
In the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, users frequently interact with various smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) by signing transactions. However, these transactions can be complex and may involve interacting with potentially malicious or insecure contracts. Users often lack the expertise to fully understand the implications of the transactions they are about to sign, which can lead to financial losses and exposure to security risks. Therefore, there is a need for a mechanism that can evaluate transactions in real-time, ensuring they are safe before users sign them.


The Wallet Guard Agent (WGA) is designed to enhance transaction security by analyzing the transactions users are about to sign. It evaluates the safety of these transactions based on predefined calculations and checks the 'to' address to understand the contract’s potential consequences. By leveraging large language models (LLMs), the agent can read and interpret smart contract code to predict the outcomes of interactions, providing users with real-time safety assessments.

Contribution Framework

  1. Data Contribution:
  2. Performance Assessment:


How it Works

  1. Transaction Monitoring:
  2. Safety Evaluation:
  3. Smart Contract Analysis:
  4. Result Evaluation:
  5. User Notification:

Task Provability

How Results are Proven

  1. Transparency and Logging:
  2. Consensus Mechanism: